Change is Easy.

Change is Fun.

I facilitate change, and help you get rid of old beliefs  and habits that no longer serve you, and are most likely hurting you.

What if you knew that the results you are getting in your life are a reflection of your programming?  Years of programming.

Don’t you think its time to upgrade your programming?

What do you want?  Do you want to change behaviors like losing weight, quitting smoking, overcoming phobias? Do you want to become more confident, sleep well, or just learn to relax? Or do you want to learn how to Dress for Success?

Are you ready to change your life for the better?

I know you can imagine a better future for your self.  You are able to Imagine life without cigarettes,  old bad memories,  habits or those unnecessary extra pounds, and looking and feeling your absolute best?   You were born with confidence and happiness, those are your birth gifts, and you’ve set them down somewhere along the years, and know you can get them back.   I know you can

You know, for something to happen in the real world, it has to happen in the imagination first, so you can achieve all the things you dream of. Go ahead and close your eyes, and dream it,  then when you are done, reach out to me and lets see how we will make your dreams a reality.

I’m Almar Lurie, a Certified Business & Personal Development Coach, and I specialize in helping you break free from what's holding you back. Whether it's conquering self-doubt, boosting your confidence, or transforming your style, I provide personalized coaching to help you feel happier, more fulfilled, and in control of your life. With my blend of life coaching and style consulting, we’ll create a plan that not only uplifts your mindset but also revitalizes your appearance, so you can present your best self to the world. Let’s connect for a free consultation and start your journey to a better, brighter you.

Schedule A Consultation for Enhanced Coaching

My Vision: To empower, enable transformation and guide you towards self-fulfillment while becoming the CEO of your life.

 My Mission: To make Coaching, Consulting and Change Work, accessible to every individual to assist in the strengthening of your well-being, authenticity, and inner-compass, fortifying your personal and professional greatness that will ripple through the world, one soul at a time.

What I do.

Guided by my personal values, I am driven by a genuine desire to assist clients in becoming the best versions of themselves.

I facilitate change by helping  get rid of the old habits and beliefs that no longer serve you and have been holding you back.

My approach to coaching, shaped by over 25 years of running and building businesses in the Asia Pacific region. Drawing upon a solid foundation in small business and health and wellness , I incorporate mindfulness practices, guided mediation, visualization, psycho sensory therapy, NLP and Hypnotherapy.

I offer you powerful and spectacularly good , fast, efficient and painless behavioral change through an enhanced coaching experience.

“Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” — Hermann Hesse

Why Coaching?

If you are like me, I had no idea what a life coach does and why I would even need one.

A Coach is like your personal guide, mixing encouragement and smart planning.  I offer enhanced coaching and consulting, which means I enable fast change with a process that yields magical results using NLP, rapid change techniques with visualization, curious questions and the deep relaxation that is associated with NLP.

As your Coach and Consultant, I am here to help you reach your goals, whether it’s in your job, relationships, or just finding your groove.  Together we find better and more efficient ways to get to your desired state, because change can happen very very quickly.

But remember, Coaches are not wizards and they are not therapists. They won’t make problems vanish in a snap or take you down the road of the past.  I give you the ability to do more than you could before.  My role is to make you function better.  I want you to have a better life and feel more comfortable in your skin.   Your task is to answer some basic questions, like “What do you want?” and “Who will you be when you get that?”

Coaches are great listeners who ask the right questions to help you see your own strengths. They won’t tell you what to do, but they’ll bring positivity, motivation, and a little push to help you do it yourself.   Change your state and then you change your life.   The mind and body are intimately linked in this  cybernetic loop, where one is always influencing the other.  My goal is to leave you with boundless optimism.  I want to make you so great that anybody would love to have a sit down meal with you, and enjoy every moment of it.

As a Coach and Consultant, I facilitate and assist in getting rid of the old habits that no longer serve you and upload new and improved optimized ones.   Its a bit of a spring cleaning for the mind.

And so much more.

So, if you’re up for a journey of growth,  change and success, a life coach, preferably Me, is your trusty sidekick.

*Coaching is an advice-free zone.*

Working with me.

I work exclusively with you in One to One Sessions, and offer you flexible 1 month or Special Single Session Packages.  Each month comprises of 3 sessions.  

Whether you aspire to start a healthy lifestyle, conquer a fear, break your compulsions and destructive habits,  start a new life, reduce stress and anxiety, build confidence, enhance your performance, maneuver relationships, get rid of the sabotaging voices in your head, Revamp your closet and bring on a Stylist getting you Dressed for Success, or launch your own business, my tailored expertise is at your valued service.

Here's what to expect:

  1. Enhanced productivity and efficiency: Through personalized 1-on-1 sessions, we'll overcome barriers and develop strategies to boost focus, time management, and overall efficiency.  You become  your optimized self with powerful changes for your mind.  Cleaning out the old programming holding you back and setting you free with boundless optimism.  I gather information, and explain our process together and how we will work together. And to close out first session, I will deliver a nice relaxation visualization session to send you on your way in preparation for our second meeting.

  2. Sharpened decision-making skills: As your Coach, I'll help you gain clarity and confidence, making bold choices backed by strengths and intuition. This leads to smarter investments and reduced risks.  Our second meeting will last 1 to 2 hours. And we will use all of my tools and create notable changes.

  3. Accelerated personal growth: With my support, you'll set ambitious yet achievable goals and cultivate a growth-oriented mindset. Increased confidence will drive proactive pursuit of opportunities.  We will stop you doing what doesn't work and start you doing what does work. Importing your values and skills to improve your current state and create changes that are so easy and fun to do.

  4. Long-term personal and professional development: This journey nurtures resilience, effective communication, and self-assurance. Beyond financial and personal gains, these qualities empower you to thrive in future endeavors.  I successfully offer you powerful changes with your behaviors, skills, priorities that are really more than who you are today and bring that person in you out, allowing you to live with more freedom

Are you a Small Business Owner?

My Personal Coaching Approach as a Confidence Coach for Small Business Owners: Unleashing Potential and Building Success.

Maximize your potential for success on your new entrepreneurial, venture.

I am passionate about coaching individuals who are facing challenges in building their side businesses, especially those who have struggled with motivation and procrastination and setbacks that happened with big life changes, such as during the pandemic.

My intention is to discover and unblock what has been holding you back while providing the awareness, motivation, and confidence needed to start up again and help establish a solid foundation for launching your business, running that race, or just start your journey back home to you.  

Together, I help you clarify your goals and priorities, develop strategies for overcoming obstacles, and build resilience in the face of setbacks.  

I Provide accountability and support to help you stay focused and motivated. Customized guidance that is specific and realistic.

Let’s begin with a complimentary Discovery call to discuss your goals, find out what your challenges, are and how working with me fits into your want for change.  

Coaching is a partnership and not about giving advice, together we will find our what works best for you.  

When you are ready to gain clarity on how to move forward, and make positive changes in your life, or just curious how coaching will fit into your life, contact me and together, we'll establish a foundation to build upon your best “tomorrow”.

DISCLAIMER: While Almar Lurie strives for accuracy in representing the potential benefits of her sessions, websites, videos, newsletters, and programs, she cannot guarantee specific results or immediate transformations in your physical, mental, psychological, or emotional well-being. Almar does not diagnose or treat any conditions. Almar’s ideas, tools, strategies, and recommendations have shown positive effects for many, but individual outcomes may vary. Almar’s approach is solely for educational purposes. Information provided by Almar is not a replacement for personalized medical advice.  Almar recieved her Life Coaching Certification from the Jay Shetty Life Coaching School and Studied Hypnotherapy with Paul Mckenna via Mindavalley, and NLP with Dr. Richard Bandler.

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